Fuji XH-2s

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I've just got a Fuji XH-2s to add to my Fuji kit. Here in the UK they had a 500 GBP off offer that I could not resist! Early days now but once I've got familiar with it I'm going to try it with my Nikon F mount lenses. My XT-4s worked OK with them with TCs too, but with this camera I'll try stretching it a bit and although I'm not a wildlife photographer, I'll pop down to my local nature reserve and see what I can get.

Snag is that my life is not my own as I childmind for one of my Sons 3 days a week, take my wife out 2 days a week and the other two days are for catching up with all of the stuff I should be doing on the other 5 days, so it might take a while to do it.
Enjoy your new camera, though! I almost bought one a year or so ago before I decided to return to my roots, as it were, to a Nikon. I have always liked Fuji even if they sometimes frustrate me. :) I have heard people have used adapted 500 PF lenses with that model with success. Hope it works for you!
Enjoy your new camera, though! I almost bought one a year or so ago before I decided to return to my roots, as it were, to a Nikon. I have always liked Fuji even if they sometimes frustrate me. :) I have heard people have used adapted 500 PF lenses with that model with success. Hope it works for you!

I've got the best of both worlds as I also have a Nikon kit!
I've just got a Fuji XH-2s to add to my Fuji kit. Here in the UK they had a 500 GBP off offer that I could not resist! Early days now but once I've got familiar with it I'm going to try it with my Nikon F mount lenses. My XT-4s worked OK with them with TCs too, but with this camera I'll try stretching it a bit and although I'm not a wildlife photographer, I'll pop down to my local nature reserve and see what I can get.

Snag is that my life is not my own as I childmind for one of my Sons 3 days a week, take my wife out 2 days a week and the other two days are for catching up with all of the stuff I should be doing on the other 5 days, so it might take a while to do it.
Congratulations - I've been considering buying one as well. What adapter are you using for your Nikon F lenses - Fringer?
Been using the Fuji XH2s since the end of 2022 with the Nikon PF 500 and PF 300 with the Fringer adapter. Very pleased with the setup, the AF is probably not up to the Z9 but is improving with every firmware update. As someone who suffers from an excess of birthdays I really appreciate the light weight along with the raw pre-capture and the ability to shoot 30 or even 40fps
Been using the Fuji XH2s since the end of 2022 with the Nikon PF 500 and PF 300 with the Fringer adapter. Very pleased with the setup, the AF is probably not up to the Z9 but is improving with every firmware update. As someone who suffers from an excess of birthdays I really appreciate the light weight along with the raw pre-capture and the ability to shoot 30 or even 40fps

That's encouraging! I was expecting that the AF would not meet Nikon Z8 & Z9 standard, but as I'm not wildlife photographer I'm thinking it will be good enough for what I shoot.

Like you I have many birthdays (next one under a week away!) and the time is probably already here that weight is something to consider more seriously. I was originally smitten when the XT-1 arrived as it reminded me so much of my SV Pentax I bought around 1964 or 5.
I hope you will enjoy your new camera! I have one X-H2S "glued" to the Nikon 500 PF with the Fringer Pro II adapter. The AF-C is working very well, it is almost as fast as with the Fuji 200/2. But...

But ... one thing, beware of updating the firmware in the body to version 6.0! It came for a little more then a month ago and it destroyed the AF-C if used together with subject/eye detection. I am waiting för the possibility to go back to earlier firmware or a new firmware.
I hope you will enjoy your new camera! I have one X-H2S "glued" to the Nikon 500 PF with the Fringer Pro II adapter. The AF-C is working very well, it is almost as fast as with the Fuji 200/2. But...

But ... one thing, beware of updating the firmware in the body to version 6.0! It came for a little more then a month ago and it destroyed the AF-C if used together with subject/eye detection. I am waiting för the possibility to go back to earlier firmware or a new firmware.

I wish I knew that earlier! First thing I did when I got it was to update the firmware!!

I was concerned by finding in the manual:

"If the camera detects human faces, it will assign them priority over the background and adjust settings appropriately for portraits when setting focus and exposure." (my bold)

and "In some modes, the camera may set exposure for the frame as a whole rather than the portrait subject."

I emailed Fuji support with 2 questions, 1 "Just how does it determine what is the appropriate exposure for what I want to achieve? For instance a low key portrait?" 2 "Again, how does the camera know what I want?" I also added: "I don't really want the camera over-riding my exposure choice, so can the camera just do the focusing and leave the exposure control to me? If not I assume that I will have to use manual settings unless the camera will still interfere with the exposure in manual mode."

They replied:

We can confirm that the Photometry option is greyed out when you select eye detection. However, when you have eye detection switched on, rotate the shooting dial to M and you will still have full control over exposure i.e. shutter speed, iso and aperture.

But they still have not said what settings are changed by the camera that it deems are appropriate for portraits. I'm still waiting for a reply to my follow up asking again.
I use my Fujis mainly for wildlife and birds and I never use anything else than M on X-H2S. I want full control, for example I want consistent exposure on all frames on a flying bird regardless of shifting backgrounds. I don't trust the camera for that.
I use my Fujis mainly for wildlife and birds and I never use anything else than M on X-H2S. I want full control, for example I want consistent exposure on all frames on a flying bird regardless of shifting backgrounds. I don't trust the camera for that.

Can't you lock the exposure for burst shooting? As it happens, chances are that I won't be using the XH-2s for portraits, I use my Nikon kit for them, but nevertheless it would be good to know what its doing.
I don't know if I can lock the exposure just for burst shooting. But I want it locked all the time so I use only the complete manuell exposure.

I wrote that the firmware 6.0 destroyed the AF-C when using subject/eye detection. Well, destroyed is too strong to describe what happened, but it certainly got worse than before. If you want you can read a little about it on Fujirumors. I am sure it will be fixed.

On the whole I think the AF on the X-H2S is competent. I shoot a lot of BIF and I don't feel handicapped at all when I am shooting together with friends using Canon R5.
On the whole I think the AF on the X-H2S is competent. I shoot a lot of BIF and I don't feel handicapped at all when I am shooting together with friends using Canon R5.

That will be good enough for my use and it was what I was hoping for/expecting.