Full frame or micro 4/3?

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The terrible bokah with a M43 camera highlighted by an insane crop you obviously can only do with a FF camera
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It seems some FF users doth protest too much -- it sometimes appears as if they have to justify the cost of their gear and the weight they lug around by disparaging other formats. Can a 45mp FF camera take great photos, certainly; can the image be cropped more than a 20mp and yield the same quality image, certainly. But what if that 45mp image is cropped down to the same size as a 20mp MFT image? I no longer use Canon cameras and lenses (other than my two bridge superzooms that are only used occasionally) because of the weight and size and now use MFT, primarily Olympus, without really noticing much if any difference -- but my back sure does. I'm glad folks like their FF gear and wish them thousands of wonderful images, I just wish they'd do the same for MFT users.