Function Ring on Sony 300/2,8 for AF help?

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When the A1 with the 300/2,8 is focused far away it often refuses to go for a close target like a bird on a stick when the background is far away. One workaround is to focus on the ground at about the same distance as the bird and then at the bird. I guess that having a prefocus at a short distance programmed to the function ring could be a faster way of doing it.

But... I can not test it as I can not program the function ring to do it. My new A1 is still on FW 1.3, which could be why. Is this programming possible with FW 2.01? Or is it only possible with the A9 III?

I have not yet done the FW update because I think there is a risk the A1 will give me a warning about the third party battery every time I start up the camera. I bought the Jupio batteries because I wanted the simple charging with the USB-C port on the battery. It's nice in the car.
Yes it is possible in FW 2.0 and higher. Sony added a general feature so not only can you program this to the ring (like you can do via the lens on 400GM and 600GM) but you can also program any custom button to do it instead.
Sony's implementation of this feature is genius compared to Nikon. With Nikon you waste 2 custom to set the distance and another to recall it. With Sony you long-press the button to set and quick press to recall. Amazing UI as always from Sony!!

Beware FW 2.0x will likely increase battery drain so there is a trade off. I use a grip with 2 batteries so don't often get to a 3rd in my 3-4hr morning shoots so it doesn't really matter but it could for some people.
And yes, all my 3rd party batteries (although not the same brand as yours) started giving me the warning after FW 2.0. You win some, you lose some as is usually the case.