FWIW - My Problems w/AF

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Some two months ago I started photographing birds with my D810 and had problems with autofocusing.
I asked about this in this forum and got a lot of advice, most, if not all, very clear and good.
I started practising as told and my technique improved noticeably (between my personal limits :) ) .
Anyway, now I got a D500, which I attached to my 150-600 mm zoom.
I have the feeling that everything works still better now. I even use GRP Mode (and it works!) which was not the case w the D810.
Anyway, I just wanted to thank you guys, I'm having lots of fun.
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I still have plenty of shots that don't turn out and it's seldom anything I can blame my camera gear for. I continue to "practice" the techniques in order to achieve more consistent results. At times it's frustrating but when you get a few really good ones it makes it worth while!
I hope you have done your fine focus adjust and if you shoot jpeg upped the sharpness to +9
Just for the sake of clarification: In-camera sharpness settings are only applied to Jpeg images. Unless ypu process your images with Nikon's own software those sharpness settings will not be applied to NEF files. Also, though I don't shoot Jpeg files, if I did I would be hesitant to apply maximum in-camera sharpness to all images. There will be cases when one does not need all that sharpness, such as in portrait photography where one often desires a little softness to depict a creamy smooth skin as opposed to one where every pore is visible. That's not flattering. It's hard to fix an image that is over-sharpened, it's often easier to apply more sharpening during post processing.
Thank you guys.
Actually I shoot only RAW. I select my files in a first step with FastRawViewer.
The rest (In my case and for my taste) invariably benefit from at least some PP.
There are so few remaining anyway ... ;)
I usually denoise first, make then other adjustements and only at the end sharpen definitively.
And I enjoy PP as well
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That's the most sharpening possible on a Nikon body. Aren't there a ton of halos at that level?
Nikon applies all menu setting (sharpen, vivid, active D lighting etc) to raw and jpg shots when using transfer 2 for downloading. Again, Steve Perry, E.J. Piker of Naturescapes.net and Nikon have all confirmed to me that Nikon applies the camera setting to each shot. Since I shoot mostly birds I have no halo's plus I'm using Topaz Denoise AI
For what it's worth, I assigned the function button FN1 on the front of my D500 to turn on GRP autofocus while depressed. I use "single point" for most of my work but when I see a bird about to take off or some other faster moving subject, I can quickly press one button which is by my shutter button hand anyway and instantly change to GRP and back again when released. That way I don't have to mess with menus or a button plus wheel adjustment in the heat of the moment.

Just offering up as an option if it may help someone. It works quite well for my style; however, everyone is different. Hope it helps.
For what it's worth, I assigned the function button FN1 on the front of my D500 to turn on GRP autofocus while depressed. I use "single point" for most of my work but when I see a bird about to take off or some other faster moving subject, I can quickly press one button which is by my shutter button hand anyway and instantly change to GRP and back again when released. That way I don't have to mess with menus or a button plus wheel adjustment in the heat of the moment.

Just offering up as an option if it may help someone. It works quite well for my style; however, everyone is different. Hope it helps.
I do the same on my D850 and it works great!
It wasn't until I read about GRP focusing mode in Steve's giude to Nikon AF that I understood why I was having issues with focus in my shots. Once I did, my keeper rate went up a bit, and I expect it will continue to improve with practice.
