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Gallahs are resident in the town of Rome. Queens;land and they were accommodating models.

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A Major Mitchell in the wild is high on my list as well!
I was SO disappointed. Googled and asked. Eventually found Charlotte Plains. nearly 1000kms there and back from Roma. Only to get rained-out when we got there. We had to turn around immediately otherwise we would have been stuck there for a few days and my son needed his car on the Monday. Maybe next time we will see MM cockatoo. The Galahs and Sulpher-Crested made up a bit. I still ended up with ±126 bird species, > 20 new ones.
I was SO disappointed. Googled and asked. Eventually found Charlotte Plains. nearly 1000kms there and back from Roma. Only to get rained-out when we got there. We had to turn around immediately otherwise we would have been stuck there for a few days and my son needed his car on the Monday. Maybe next time we will see MM cockatoo. The Galahs and Sulpher-Crested made up a bit. I still ended up with ±126 bird species, > 20 new ones.
You want Sulphur Crested? I can give you thousands at my place! LOL. They're a pest round here.

Still, +/- 126 bird species and 20 new ones is not to be sneezed at! :D