Gate to a New Age

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Happy New Year, everyone!

I've been working on a Fences and Foliage series for several months now, and this is the first reveal - kind of approprate for the New Year I think - well I hope!

I started with the concept of "Fences with Character" since we have a number of them around town, and some ideas about composition/presentation etc. Interestingly, some fairly strong parameters of the series came into focus (ok haha sry) - all with the z6 (my walkaround camera) and the Z 40mm f/2 muffin lens, which I found I like a lot more than I thought I would.

Hope you enjoy it! Lots more info about the series and high res if you click over to Flickr.


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Nice concept and a cool first one!
Thank you, Bill!

A bit more info (from what I posted on Flickr):

I do not like to place limitations on where I might go with my art, but this time I quickly fell into an interesting, and pleasing set of parameters for this project:

-- A fence/gate (ok duh)
-- Foliage - wtf plants just growing everywhere. Ok, I like plants...a lot. so this is a plus
-- Ok um the truth is that plants photobombed just about every capture - so they became an integral part of the project.
-- Taken between 11am and 1:30pm - midday "flat" light which is supposed to be baaaaad
-- Z6ii (because it's much easier to walkaround with that size a camera)
-- Z 40mm f/2 muffin lens (again, much easier to walkaround with this small thing)
-- Captures at f/2 for shallow DoF, and max bokeh
-- Bracketing of 3 shots @ +/- f/.7 (sometimes I went further) to make sure I got the 'best' ETTR exposure I could
-- Briliiant fall colors (although I might deviate from that at times)

Over a 2+ month period, I took several thousand captures, which I've now culled down to about 120 - and it's very hard to choose between these that remain. This first one is a standout to me though - just glowing!
That's a great way to get to use the kit and to keep on track - well done.
Thank you, Oosty, man of many hats! :)

It's a procedure many artists use to focus/inspire them (not my blue period, but maybe my fence period? uhhhhh). I rarely go on outings with a specific focus in mind, and in fact, rarely did so here - I just brought my walkaround kit with me as I hike around town. I am more likely to have a broad idea (fall colors - landscape today), and just see what catches my eye. Of course that gets completely derailed at times (oops! not landscapes - birds!) haha. So this was a departure from my norm - although I was taking many non-fences-project captures as I went. The parameters that developed as I went were interesting, and unplanned.
