Gator - first time post

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I’m fairly new to this site and am attempting my first pic post, so this is basically a test.
I shot a series of photos of a large alligator capturing & eating an armored catfish (Pleco) in Sarasota, FL.
here is just 2 of those images. Hope I did this right :rolleyes:
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Great shots, well captured and presented! Your uploads also include the relevant camera data do, I would say you got it right. Good start and look forward to seing more of your work.
Yes it worked. Welcome to the forum. Just an FYI it's customary to put some sort of heads up in the thread title when there's blood and guts in the images. So the squeamish can avoid and the goulish make sure and click o_O
Great shots, well captured and presented! Your uploads also include the relevant camera data do, I would say you got it right. Good start and look forward to seing more of your work.
Thanks for the reply, Joe. I guess I’ll try presenting more!