Generative fill

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Looks like it has potential, but reviews I've seen say it still looks like an edit. But combined with hand work and a good eye it might be useful.
I have been watching videos on it for hours now - the potential is massive - or will be once included in the full Photoshop release around October 2023. I have to agree that it is probably the biggest addition to photoshop in the past 2 decades. To embrace it? mmm not quite today :)
Remove tool - now that tool is mighty handy. Very useful, to say the least, and finally it has been included in Full Photoshop vs 24.5
What would be more useful - is if you can just prompt: make the bird more vibrant and remove all branches on the left. Blur while you are at it and add a nice background.

in other words - AI on our own photos - now there's a thing...
What I don't like is that stuff I've spent years learning how to do well can now be done by anyone. I suppose it will up my game as well.