getting a Pansonic G9 camera tomorrow

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I have alwas been used to Nikon cameras from the D70s-D200-D300-D800 and D810 the latter I still use. So why you may ask get a four thirds Panasonc camera and not even the latest G9 mk2.
there are a couple of reasons mainly weight especially the larger lens such as the AFS 80-400mm VR G Nikon lens which weighs a ton. I am getting older. I also wanted a camera that did at least 4k still, not bothered about the video side as I already own the panasonic HC-X1500 camcorder. I could have gone for a different make but my thoughts were to insert stills into video, and best to use same make of camera and lens.
So today ordered the G9 camera and kit lens before they became unavailable as new. At the same time doing a p/x with that nikon lens as I hardly ever use it. .
Ok I could have gone down the Nikon mirrorless route but the D810 I could not see the point in going down the Nikon z way still using the D810. Have also the Panasonc TZ95 compact camera I have so it won't be a huge learning curve..

If anyone has experience with the Panasonic G9 and can pass on some tips they will be gratefully received
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I think you'll really like it, it's a really nice camera and the only drawback for me was the AF for moving wildlife compared to my other cameras at the time (D500). During Covid when I basically sold all my gear and started fresh with Sony I sold it and only added M43 back in after the OM-1 was released.

Anyway, I don't know if I have any specific tips but overall it's a great camera and I'm sure you'll enjoy it! Some of the Panasonic lenses are real gems to, the 12-35 F2.8 is small and excellent for example. The 14-140 shoots way about it's class for a superzoom along with that 12-60 kit lens (either the fast f2.8-4 or the slower one).
I have alwas been used to Nikon cameras from the D70s-D200-D300-D800 and D810 the latter I still use. So why you may ask get a four thirds Panasonc camera and not even the latest G9 mk2.
there are a couple of reasons mainly weight especially the larger lens such as the AFS 80-400mm VR G Nikon lens which weighs a ton. I am getting older. I also wanted a camera that did at least 4k still, not bothered about the video side as I already own the panasonic HC-X1500 camcorder. I could have gone for a different make but my thoughts were to insert stills into video, and best to use same make of camera and lens.
So today ordered the G9 camera and kit lens before they became unavailable as new. At the same time doing a p/x with that nikon lens as I hardly ever use it. .
Ok I could have gone down the Nikon mirrorless route but the D810 I could not see the point in going down the Nikon z way still using the D810. Have also the Panasonc TZ95 compact camera I have so it won't be a huge learning curve..

If anyone has experience with the Panasonic G9 and can pass on some tips they will be gratefully received

The G9 is a great camera, with unmatched video capabilities among the MFTs. Congrats, and looking forwards to seeing your creations!
I use the panasonic HC-X1500 for videos because of the mm range. for example when my wife and I were doing the Norway- fareo isle and Iceland trip the thing I wanted to video the most was Puffins. everyone else failed because they used cameras or camera/phones. They tour group were amazed at what I had videoed considering you could not see them with the naked eye. Being hand held and sea movement to say I was over he moon is an under statement.

So the G9 I really want for lightness and 4k+stills

realistic distance video how far away they were if you can spot them. they are there 0.38 to 0.41 sec into video if you look closely
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