Ghost Saguaro

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Supporting Member
Ghost saguaro is the name given to a saguaro cactus that is dead but still standing. I find them more photogenic than the living ones. This is at the popular Gates Pass Overlook just inside the west entrance to Tucson Mountain Park. I shot at f2.8 for soft background and focus stacked two images to maintain sharp detail for the entire cactus without having to stop down (which would have made the background sharper than I like).

Tucson Mountain Park focus stack Z8 498_499.jpg
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Thanks for the kind words. I posted the color version because it seems there is little interest in black and white on this forum. However, for my own work I am transitioning to black and white and am about to redo my website as all black and white. Here is the b&w version:

Tucson Mountain Park focus stack Z8 498_499 bw.jpg
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Thanks for the kind words. I posted the color version because it seems there is little interest in black and white on this forum. However, for my own work I am transitioning to black and white and am about to redo my website as all black and white. Here is the b&w version:

View attachment 69658
I was actually going to suggest a monochrome version. Gives it more a moody feeling and IMHO fits nicely with the photo