Gillespie Dam - Gila River - Arlington, Arizona

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200216 Gillespie Valley Pano 4644-46 Blurb-1.jpg
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200316 Dam Perspective 20-04x9-88 DSC_5573 copy.jpg
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210831 200309 Dam Reflect DSC_5570.jpg
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Thanks, Bill & Biff. The dam was built by Rancher Frank Gillespie 100 years ago to irrigate his La Paloma Ranch. The bridge was built about 90 years ago on US Highway 80 connecting Phoenix to Yuma. The dam breached during floods in 1992. It still impounds sufficient water for La Paloma Ranch Irrigation and wildlife. My career was in Engineering & Construction and I admire the design and workmanship of both structures. The "aerial" is a Focus Stacked Panorama.
That pano is a great shot! I looked at the dam on google maps, it's really quite interesting. Now maybe what I could see & distinguish on google maps didn't really show it, but I'm used to seeing "lakes" backed up behind the dam, of course on some of the bigger rivers, Arkansas & , the back up does appear to be more "river" related, but this one really looks like its only a river that it has backed up, and maybe not a lot of collection? Maybe related to the breach you mentioned? Just find it very interesting. Great photos.
That pano is a great shot! I looked at the dam on google maps, it's really quite interesting. Now maybe what I could see & distinguish on google maps didn't really show it, but I'm used to seeing "lakes" backed up behind the dam, of course on some of the bigger rivers, Arkansas & , the back up does appear to be more "river" related, but this one really looks like its only a river that it has backed up, and maybe not a lot of collection? Maybe related to the breach you mentioned? Just find it very interesting. Great photos.
The dam impounded a "lake" until it was breached in the 1992 flood. It gravity fed the irrigation canal through a set of headworks that aren't visible at the right end of the dam in the pano but should be on Google Maps. The 1992 floods were the result of heavy late winter rain combined with significant melting snow pack. Arizona has been relatively drier since then, til this summer. What remains of surface flow is more "river" related.It's now intercepted by a pumping set up, not visible in the pano but may be in Google Maps, that lifts the majority of the flow into the irrigation canal. Based on the dense vegetation behind the dam, there must still be significant subsurface moisture.