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I believe people continue to ignore the suggestion to not release their tropical fish in a local wetland's ponds…. Here, conservation officer and invasive species eradication specialist, Black-capped Night Heron has a Goldfish join him for breakfast….
koi and heron sized.jpg
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Great shot! At a local pond a couple of years ago the rangers were setting up to remove goldfish that had been released into the pond, and then multiplied like crazy. Along came a flock of Pelicans and the rangers watched as the birds did the work for them, gulping down the easy to spot goldfish. LOL.
Great shot! At a local pond a couple of years ago the rangers were setting up to remove goldfish that had been released into the pond, and then multiplied like crazy. Along came a flock of Pelicans and the rangers watched as the birds did the work for them, gulping down the easy to spot goldfish. LOL.
Thanks Woody. A couple of decades ago there were signs (now long gone) telling people not to dump their goldfish in the marsh ponds; clearly with no success. The predominant fish species in this spot is now clearly goldfish and koi. The city's conservation department has also clearly given up on trying to get rid of the invasive marsh reed that has all but eliminated the native cat tails, and grows so unchecked the harm it does is it eventually dries up marshes.... BUT, the goldfish do provide for a colourful heron photo :) Cheers!
Excellent work, Steven! I'm always amazed at how large a fish a heron or night-heron can swallow.
Thanks Chuck. He did swallow it; sadly almost entirely while his back was to me :) He dipped the fish in the water a few times. I assumed to help get it down his throat.

Nice catch, would have been fun seeing him trying to swallowing it

Chris S.
Thanks Chris. I've got to go through my shots to see if there's a useable shot of him swallowing the catch. This shot was the only few seconds where he was facing the camera or even one eye nicely showing.