Good enough for an India Trip?

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I'm looking for some opinions from more experienced photographers. In November, I'm headed to India on a 2 week trip to see family, some sightseeing and attending a friend's wedding. Planed cities of Delhi to visit family, the wedding in Calcutta and then touring Rajasthan.

I currently have a Nikon Z6ii and plan on taking my 2 current lenses:
Z 24-200 4/6.3 (bought this lens before the 24-120 F4 came out)
Z 14-30/4S

I expect some street photography, some buildings, family photos and a lot of landscapes. No wildlife planned for this trip.

At the wedding, I expect some low light situations, but also know that flash is acceptable. I will have an old SB-700 speedlight with me.

I plan on traveling light, but any recommendations for adding a reasonable prime lens (or fast zoom) that could work well for multiple scenarios (low light, street, family photos?). I know this may be asking a lot, but if I do I buy another lens, I'm looking for flexibility in different situations.
