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Had to manual focus. Z9 was struggling it was coming down so heavy.
Snowglobe sm.jpg
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Thanks. I took a few closeups but I like how this one gives a bit more environment.
When I started wildlife photography in the day of slides, it was the in-thing to get in close-up and personal, up to the eye lashes or just part of a trunk or horn. I have done so many of those and tight cropping - still do, but also find that some in the environment images just speaks a bit more to me these days. I tend to shoot double images, or more, if the subject is not moving; say, one of the face, one the background behind or above it, maybe even the FG, and then merge them all in PS to get a composite image in the environment. It is nearly the same as shooting panos, but basically FG to BG, including the subject. There is a different magic in an environmental shot! I also do telephoto landscape-like shots to place the subjects in their environment.