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Nice action on this Chanting Goshawk, John. never been lucky to see it. Where taken? The leaves suggest not Kalahari but bushveld which makes it a Dark CG.
Nice action on this Chanting Goshawk, John. never been lucky to see it. Where taken? The leaves suggest not Kalahari but bushveld which makes it a Dark CG.
This was taken in Addo Elephant National Park, but I did thought we had the Southern in the Eastern Cape, maybe wrong though?
This was taken in Addo Elephant National Park, but I did thought we had the Southern in the Eastern Cape, maybe wrong though?
You got me with Addo. Addo makes is Pale Chanting Goshawk! The PCG occurs Kalahari, Karoo all the way down to your side. The DCG to the east eastern side of SA and their ranges do not overlap.
You got me with Addo. Addo makes is Pale Chanting Goshawk! The PCG occurs Kalahari, Karoo all the way down to your side. The DCG to the east eastern side of SA and their ranges do not overlap.
Whether dark or southern they appear to be quite common ( along with buzzards..... šŸ˜‰)
This process of regurgitation went on for several minutes. The goshawk go through cycles of swallowing then regurgitate several times. At first I thought it was in distress as it never expelled the pellet.
This process of regurgitation went on for several minutes. The goshawk go through cycles of swallowing then regurgitate several times. At first I thought it was in distress as it never expelled the pellet.
Seen kingfishers do it a lot, even have the pictures too, but raptors rule!