Great Blue Herons Sunning

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Spent some time with the Great Blue Herons soaking up the morning So Cal sun.
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The images are nicely exposed, even though they appear to have been taken in full sun. Try shooting very early or late in the day when the light is very soft. Unfortunately, the dense vegetation surrounding the bird doesn't allow much ability to separate the bird from the background.

I like the pose in #2 is a bit better than in #1, but still seems a bit awkward. Sometimes it requires just waiting a long time before the bird grants you a great pose. LOL!
I tried that and maybe its my limited skill set, but it looked wrong. Blurring out the trees so close to the bird made it look fake.
so if you just gently drop the exposure after selecting the background, and I mean drop it a tad, it should just cut the light down on the background a bit, ever so slightly. but it's all personal preference right, so if that maneuver looked wrong to you, then it was wrong. wildlife shooting is challenging, these busy backgrounds are never ideal, they tend to draw attn away from the subject.