Great Gray on the Hunt

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Was pleased to get some flight shots last week of great gray owls.

I do like this one, would just like any thoughts on the snow in the background on the lower right part of the image;
is that OK? Too much clash with the tree or is it fine as it's the environment of the owl?



  • z great gray 19.jpg
    z great gray 19.jpg
    768.8 KB · Views: 36
First of all - WOW!!! I love the photo. The intensity of the owl really comes through. I think the snow in the lower right does draw the eye away from the owl a bit. Admittedly the eyes of the owl draw my attention and hold it, so the snow is little more than a slight "annoyance". Maybe if there were more of it along the bottom it would blend in better.

Having said that, it definitely doesn't kill the image at all.