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M R Opp

Well-known member
Supporting Member
I was out for the first time with my (finally arrived) 800 mm PF when an individual told me about a GHO nest. I wasn't sure I could find it based on the directions, but I did and it contained three owlets almost as big as mom. Although the light was harsh, the owlets eyes were shaded so I pushed the exposure 1.3 stops. In post, I stopped back down 1-stop as it seemed I didn't really need to bias exposure that much.
GH Owlets.jpg
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Nice shot. The 800PF is great for these types of shots. I didn't know how often I would use it but I'm finding myself using it all the time.
Nice shot. The 800PF is great for these types of shots. I didn't know how often I would use it but I'm finding myself using it all the time.
That's good to hear. I have only been out with it once. My real interest in this lens is for shorebirds, etc. This particular shot I could have probably got with the 400, but obviously would have had to get closer. Haven't tried the 800 with a TC yet.