Green Heron - not an American Bittern

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Juvenile Green Heron walking through the Water Hyacinth
Nikon D850 & Tamron 150-600 @1/100 - f7.1 - ISO800 @ 600mm
I had originally said that this was a American Bittern and Robin pointed out that it was a juvenile Green Heron. I think Robin is right, I'm embarrassed, Sorry.
American Bittern.jpg
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For comparison here is a photo I took of an American Bittern
American Bittern.jpg
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Here is a shot I took of a Mature Green Heron
Green Heron.jpg
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Hi Irap Nice image. Was the bird reasonably small? Might it be a juvenile Green Heron?🤔🦸‍♂️
Hi Robin, It wasn't that small, but I think you might be right, it looks like a juvenile Green Heron.
Here is a shot I took of a American Bittern. I'm embarrassed, Sorry!:rolleyes:
American Bittern.jpg
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Posting wonderful images like these means never having to say you're sorry. 😉
You know the old saying - a rose by any other name........

Very nicely done, Ira, on all of them.
Posting wonderful images like these means never having to say you're sorry. 😉
You know the old saying - a rose by any other name........

Very nicely done, Ira, on all of them.
Thanks Rassie, you made me feel so much better, I was thinking of selling all of my equipment, but now I'll probably buy some more. You should get a job working for Nikon. 😍
Wonderful pictures Ira! Also thanks for showing the differences between these beautifull birds; it looks like that we don't have here so much variety..
Juvenile Green Heron walking through the Water Hyacinth
Nikon D850 & Tamron 150-600 @1/100 - f7.1 - ISO800 @ 600mm
I had originally said that this was a American Bittern and Robin pointed out that it was a juvenile Green Heron. I think Robin is right, I'm embarrassed, Sorry.
View attachment 13048

For comparison here is a photo I took of an American Bittern
View attachment 13081

Here is a shot I took of a Mature Green Heron
View attachment 13082
Beautiful sequence Ira. 👍👍👍
Wonderful pictures Ira! Also thanks for showing the differences between these beautifull birds; it looks like that we don't have here so much variety..
Thanks Jaap, I'm very lucky to live in South Florida, we have many different species of birds and animals here and good weather throughout the year.
Juvenile Green Heron walking through the Water Hyacinth
Nikon D850 & Tamron 150-600 @1/100 - f7.1 - ISO800 @ 600mm
I had originally said that this was a American Bittern and Robin pointed out that it was a juvenile Green Heron. I think Robin is right, I'm embarrassed, Sorry.
View attachment 13048

For comparison here is a photo I took of an American Bittern
View attachment 13081

Here is a shot I took of a Mature Green Heron
View attachment 13082
Hi Ira.

Pretty hard to tell apart but a beautiful shot.

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