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Thanks Ziggy#2 is my pick
that are goldfinchesWhat kind of bird is the one in the second and third photo?
Thanks RobinJust shows how gorgeous our finches are.
I don't know how your goldfinches look like but the Latin name for our ones are Carduelis carduelis.They look very different than the gold finches in Kentucky. Those are very pretty.
This is one of ours. Apparently yours is a European Goldfinch and mine is an American Goldfinch. This was taken last spring. This time of year their feathers turn a very dull green and it is hard to tell them apart from the female. ( Spinus tristis )I don't know how your goldfinches look like but the Latin name for our ones are Carduelis carduelis.
That's also a beauty, and you are right that mine is an European Goldfinch.This is one of ours. Apparently yours is a European Goldfinch and mine is an American Goldfinch. This was taken last spring. This time of year their feathers turn a very dull green and it is hard to tell them apart from the female. ( Spinus tristis )
View attachment 13260
Thank you YezdiBeautiful series...
Thank you StevenNice!
Thank you Mike and was it the Grünfink oder DistelfinkBeautiful series, got a shot of one of them today too.
You are right and there is a great difference between the American and the European Goldfinch, Robin posted here above the American Goldfinch.Distelfink seems correct too for the second and third image acc. to google
Thank youLovely