Grey Currawong, up close and beak bark lever, 060722.

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A well known member 🇦🇺 📷
Supporting Member
These two Grey Currawongs allowed me to get relatively close today.
Fabulous eye colour for a mostly black bird.

One was intrigued it would seem with what I was doing.
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The other was foraging under the bark layers for grubs and was using its beak to lever bark away from the trunk to check underneath for food.
It was wuite a stretch
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These two Grey Currawongs allowed me to get relatively close today.
Fabulous eye colour for a mostly black bird.

One was intrigued it would seem with what I was doing.
View attachment 42303
View attachment 42304
The other was foraging under the bark layers for grubs and was using its beak to lever bark away from the trunk to check underneath for food.
It was wuite a stretch
View attachment 42305
View attachment 42306
Wow! Great sequence👍👍👍Makes you wonder what Was going through his mind as he is staring you down.