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Were was this, just curious, not Yellowstone, too green? Lovely shot. Wolves are my favorite wild animal. I've only gotten one shot in all the years I've been going to Yellowstone and luckily it was a good shot as is yours. Mine is on the wall.
Were was this, just curious, not Yellowstone, too green? Lovely shot. Wolves are my favorite wild animal. I've only gotten one shot in all the years I've been going to Yellowstone and luckily it was a good shot as is yours. Mine is on the wall.
It was outside the park in September last year. The ones I saw in the park were like a mile away. I wasn't trying to get a wolf shot but heard there would be a chance. I was inside a blind and got very lucky. I had about 45 seconds with a few of them and then they were gone. Thank goodness for silent cameras or I doubt I would have gotten more than one frame.