Grizzly 399 & Spirit

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These two images were taken this past spring in Grand Teton. They are back to back images that were part of a 10 FPS burst with the Z8 and 500PF x 1.4 tele and then cropped. I've processed them many times and still am not happy with the results. But I'm quite pleased with the composition so I will continue to seek better results in PP.

What's really interesting is that a couple of weeks after I got home, I found a video on FB of this exact sequence I photographed. The bears were never stationary (even though I like to tell people they posed for me. ;) ) and it's amazing to realize how lucky I was to capture the images I did. There are more images in the burst but I think these are the two best.

Here's the video...

399 & Spirit.jpg
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399 & spirit II.jpg
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