Grizzly #793 with cubs

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There was no bear jam when this was taken. I was the only one there watching and photographing her and the cubs for fifty-five minutes. The cubs are now three years old.

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55 min all by yourself... that’s a dream of mine! Congrats and love the photo!
Thanks for the nice comment. I was off the main roads looking for great gray owls when I saw her. The interesting thing is that she knew I was there and sat up and looked at me a couple of times. She didn't see me as a threat which is why it lasted so long. Fortunately I was able to stay in my car and used it as a blind. That's probably why she didn't see me as a threat. I've got to say after she and the cubs moved off, I just could not believe my luck and what had happened. It brought tears to my eyes.
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Thanks for the nice comment. I was off the main roads looking for great gray owls when I saw her. The interesting thing is that she knew I was there and sat up and looked at me a couple of times. She didn't see me as a threat which is why it lasted so long. Fortunately I was able to stay in my car and used it as a blind. That's probably why she didn't see me as a threat. I've got say, after she and the cubs moved off, I just could not believe my luck and what had happened. It brought tears to my eyes.
Thats awesome! I would probable feel the same way... whenever I get to share a moment with an animal it’s very special to me...if I got a photograph or not.