Hairy Woodpecker, somewhat of a silhouette. Trash or interesting shot?

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Thoughts appreciated . Not really sure how i feel about this, I think I like it but not too sure. No drastic editing at all, just a backlit bird in a forest mid morning. Thanks!
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Ah, woodpeckers! If they would just sit on a branch in good light in front of a nice background. Can't be that hard, they have enough branches to choose from, right?

Nice little fella! I like wildlife images that show some of the environment. Fully agree that the first one is intruiging, I just can't put my finger on it... The out of focus elements conzrast nicely with the clear background, that alone makes an image work for me. The trickey bit is to include the woodpecker. Maybe reducing most (everything?) to a siluette in front of the bright background except the woodpeckers head? Just a suggestion, and not easy to properly edit. For me, that would be one of those images that "haunt" me, I know that there is something potentially great that just needs being pulled out (as opposed to trying to salvage a bad shot).