Harris Hawk Lift off

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Hooligans Imagery

Michael H
Supporting Member
The three beasts that I have not captured well around the house are the Harris and Red Tail Hawk and Mountain Lion. I guess the latter I don't really want to see in daylight considering the known one is huge. So I was down our very long driveway when four Harris Hawks flew over me, and as I made my way back up a 5th squawked at me. I figured no way, if I went and got my camera, that he would still be there. It's good be wrong once in a while. Three of the lift off and one in stride. Given the bright sun I am happy with these.

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Great shots Michael! Love to see members of the avian wolfpack. That Arizona sun can be brutal. Nice job.
For those that aren't aware Doug's reference to the Wolfpack was in evidence today. Harris Hawk's stay bonded in a familial pack called a "cast" and they hunt together and share kills together. They have a huge advantage for that reason. Today there were five of them.
The three beasts that I have not captured well around the house are the Harris and Red Tail Hawk and Mountain Lion. I guess the latter I don't really want to see in daylight considering the one known one is huge. So I was down our very long driveway when four Harris Hawks flew over me, and as I made my way back up a 5th squawked at me. I figured no way if I went and got my camera that he would still be there. It's good be wrong once in a while. Three of the lift off and one in stride. Given the bright sun I am happy with these.

Excellent! Mike👍👍👍