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The Martin Refuge, Edinbur, TX
HARRIS'S HAWK - 1391.jpeg
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Wow tell us more about where you were (hike, hide etc) and how close etc. This is a beaut.

We have some by our house. They always seem to like to pose on a Saguaro when I don't have a camera and am in the car.
Wow tell us more about where you were (hike, hide etc) and how close etc. This is a beaut.

We have some by our house. They always seem to like to pose on a Saguaro when I don't have a camera and am in the car.
We were in a blind on the Martin Refuge near Edinbur, TX. Cold morning by Texas standards with lots of clouds and a little bit of sun. They have an excellent blind that draws in Harris’s Hawks, Crested Caracara’s, both black and Turkey Vultures as well as Coyotes. Both time and money well spent.