Has Steve ever posted an official review of the Z 800/6.3 PF?

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Just wondering as I've seen plenty on the new Z 600/6.3 PF. I saw his YouTube pre-production review which looked nice. If the 800 was officially reviewed, please provide a link. Thanks.
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I recalled all Steve's 800mm videos etc were shared, discussed at length in the Official thread, including:

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I've not done a full review, mostly because the pre-release review covers it. That, and Nikon has kept me so busy I've not had a chance to get much done in the ways of any kind of follow-ups. Between lenses releases and firmware updates for my books, there are a lot of projects I haven't had a hcane to touch (some of which are paid projects, so that really hurts).

I did do come sharpness tests with it here:

My apology @fcotterill as I did not do a full drill down again since getting
my 800/ 6.3. Guess I should!.
No worries :D
It's become hard to seeks out such nuggets of information across this forum. I curate a database of bookmarks which helps to find at least some of the numerous useful reviews and threads... BCG continues to grow an invaluable wealth of information in shared insights, advice, links, besides reviews.
My collection is definitely a subjective selection. Regarding the OP's question, I had flagged that Official thread with "800 reviews"
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