Hasty Point Plantation

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Went for a little walkabout here while waiting for a meeting. Beautiful property. Duck hunting is allowed in the area so birds were a bit skittish. This is right on the tail of duck season so may be different further away from hunting season. At any rate I didn't see anything that would warrant going out of the way for a visit if wildlife photography is the main goal.

1) This little tufted titmouse is a first for me.
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2) Great egret eating crawdads. I saw it catch/eat at least three in just a few minutes.
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3) Only BIF of the day. I was in DX mode and clipped wings/feet in all but this frame. Touch of a button toggles back to FX but I was too slow due to lack of practice recently.
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4) There was a small group of footless deer eating camelia blossoms.
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5) I was there till after dark.
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Went for a little walkabout here while waiting for a meeting. Beautiful property. Duck hunting is allowed in the area so birds were a bit skittish. This is right on the tail of duck season so may be different further away from hunting season. At any rate I didn't see anything that would warrant going out of the way for a visit if wildlife photography is the main goal.

1) This little tufted titmouse is a first for me.
View attachment 81656

2) Great egret eating crawdads. I saw it catch/eat at least three in just a few minutes.
View attachment 81657

3) Only BIF of the day. I was in DX mode and clipped wings/feet in all but this frame. Touch of a button toggles back to FX but I was too slow due to lack of practice recently.
View attachment 81658

4) There was a small group of footless deer eating camelia blossoms.
View attachment 81660

5) I was there till after dark.
View attachment 81661
Beautiful set Dan! Well done👍👍👍 What was your location?
Beautiful set Dan! Well done👍👍👍 What was your location?
Thanks, Ralph. Hasty Point Plantation is part of the Waccamaw National Wildlife Refuge near Georgetown, SC. The refuge is mostly wetlands/waterfowl habitat. Historically this is the area where Francis Marion aka The Swamp Fox conducted guerilla warfare against General Cornwallis during the American Revolution.
Thanks, Ralph. Hasty Point Plantation is part of the Waccamaw National Wildlife Refuge near Georgetown, SC. The refuge is mostly wetlands/waterfowl habitat. Historically this is the area where Francis Marion aka The Swamp Fox conducted guerilla warfare against General Cornwallis during the American Revolution.
Very Cool