Hawk moth at 1/40s

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D800, 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 at iso100, f25 1/40s. Just thought I’d pop this up, not because it’s a great photo but because of the shutter speed I used. For the little critters you can still freeze motion with a flash. For this I used a SB 900 set to manual and on either 1/64 or 1/128 power. The background was dark on this shot but a properly selected background will be much better. Anyone else using this method with low shutter speeds is welcome to add photos to this thread so people who haven’t come across this can see what’s possible. Just another observation though I don’t know if it’s my imagination – at tight f stops I didn’t find I had a particular problem with diffraction.
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I am amazed, very nice work. Long time since I have seen one in our area! So, the flash nails the wings without motion?
Absolutely but must set at 1/64 or less. When you reduce the power output on a flash it just reduces the time it flashes and that's what fixes the wings. If you do it right you can get the background right because of the shutter speed.
Absolutely but must set at 1/64 or less. When you reduce the power output on a flash it just reduces the time it flashes and that's what fixes the wings. If you do it right you can get the background right because of the shutter speed.
Thank you, I really appreciate, Going to try this the next time these guys show up. Might work for b'flies too!
D800, 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 at iso100, f25 1/40s. Just thought I’d pop this up, not because it’s a great photo but because of the shutter speed I used. For the little critters you can still freeze motion with a flash.
Or framed a bit differently.... 'When is 1/40" really 1/10,000" :)

Great image!
Very nice picture and must try it next time with a flash, because they are moving very fast and jump from one flower to another very quick
Set up with a tripod, stick to one flower. Grab a chair and a beer and wait. Much easier than chasing them. Let them come to you.
And off camera flash as it's low output and needs to be close. 20-40cm
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