Hawk Shows - Birds Gone!

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Rick S

Well-known member
Supporting Member
I looked out the bedroom window to see if the Junco was still on the deck and didn't see any birds at all. Scanned the yard and saw why. This Cooper's Hawk was using my Bluebird House as a lookout point. I ran down stairs (hoping it would stay around), grabbed the camera and it was still there. Gently opened the slider, again hoping the squeaking slider wouldn't spook it. Thankfully it stayed a little longer. These are handheld, standing on my tiptoes to get over the deck rail while getting a cramp in my calf. :) I think it is a juvenile. D500/AFs 70-200 VR1.
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I looked out the bedroom window to see if the Junco was still on the deck and didn't see any birds at all. Scanned the yard and saw why. This Cooper's Hawk was using my Bluebird House as a lookout point. I ran down stairs (hoping it would stay around), grabbed the camera and it was still there. Gently opened the slider, again hoping the squeaking slider wouldn't spook it. Thankfully it stayed a little longer. These are handheld, standing on my tiptoes to get over the deck rail while getting a cramp in my calf. :) I think it is a juvenile. D500/AFs 70-200 VR1.
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So true a story. When I see the birds scatter in all directions from feeders, I start looking for the hawk. In refuge was a pullout to view the geese flocks...hundreds, all of a sudden instant pandemonium, then I see the Peregrine falcon swoop thru.