Hawk with Lunch - CA Central Valley

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I had barely gotten out of the vehicle when I saw this hawk on a tree that was fairly close to me fly down to the ground. Luckily I had checked my camera settings before exiting the vehicle, always a good thing to do! Cameras are so fast these days it's pretty incredible and I had my finger down on instinct and started shooting away. This poor little mouse didn't know what hit him and it was over in seconds, down the hatch he went, headfirst! I'm tempted to fix the hawk's eye but that tells part of the story, the lid is down to protect the eye from the mouse so I left it.

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Very nice, Connie. These are unique, it's not often one gets to be present at just the right moment.
Thanks. It was a fluke, really. Had just closed the door and gotten a couple of shots of him on the tree right at the edge of the parking lot when he flew. It reminded me to ALWAYS have my equipment ready to go when I depart the vehicle, it's a shot I would have missed if I had not done that.