Heat distortion?

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Supporting Member
This morning, I went for my early morning walk at the local park. I was carrying my Z8 and z600 pf. As the sun was just coming up, I saw an Orange-crowned Warbler in the top of a bush not far from the path that I was on. I was low enough to still be in the shadows, but he was in the sun. I did not have the hood on the lens, but did have the lens cap on. When I tried to focus, I noticed that the cap was still on, so I took it off and started taking photos of the bird. When I reviewed the photos in camera, I notice they looked fuzzy. I have attached one of the photos to this post. I did nothing to the photo but downsized it to fit the thread requirement.

My question is, does this look like heat distortion?

I forgot, the temperature was in the upper 60's.

Thanks for your time.


  • Orange-crowned Warbler 10-05-2024 BCG.jpg
    Orange-crowned Warbler 10-05-2024 BCG.jpg
    446.5 KB · Views: 14
It looks like either a loss of contrast from flare without the hood or the lens fogged slightly when you uncapped it. If your gear is colder than the outside air by even a slight amount, the optics will fog.
Could be a few things. But the leaves in front are oddly blurred, and it doesn't look like motion blur or normal OOF blur to me, so I feel like temp differentials had an impact here