Helmeted Guineafowl in light drizzle

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Always nice to encounter them on the road - Kruger NP

03455W D500 3636.jpg
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Whilst we have domesticated Guinea Fowl in the UK in various colour types the neck and head tends to be a continuation of the body colouring. The helmeted is certainly different .
Noisy birds but beautiful on the eye
Thanks, Bertie, yes, eye candy😁
I really liked these birds. And this image shows how beautiful and interesting they are! My fellow travel mates ignored them.....their loss! LOL!
Thanks, Karen. Strange how some ignores the common birds, ans they are often real winners.
Whilst we have domesticated Guinea Fowl in the UK in various colour types the neck and head tends to be a continuation of the body colouring. The helmeted is certainly different .
Thanks Andy
Great shot of a super looking bird.
Thank you, Louis
Nice capture of an odd looking, but fun bird. We had them running loose on the compound where I lived in Jeddah. They were always a treat.
Thanks Joe. Yes, there is always a fight between them for a split second or so, which I still have to catch!
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Great shot of an interesting bird. Where I grew up in the southeastern USA "guinea hens" are quite common on small farms. They are left to run loose and make effective "watch dogs" around chicken coops. They roost off the ground and raise quite a fuss when fox, racoons, etc, come into the yard. But I've never seen this exotic looking variety.

I really liked these birds. And this image shows how beautiful and interesting they are! My fellow travel mates ignored them.....their loss! LOL!
It's interesting how many people have tunnel vision when on a shoot. I suppose they would say they're "focused" :rolleyes: