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Platalea ajaja

Well-known member
Supporting Member
This was taken at Masai Mara reserve this past summer. As many of you know, in these African parks, the animals are completely habituated to the safari vehicles and completely ignore them. Persons out of a vehicle are another story entirely.

We found this pride of lions which were, of course, just laying around sleeping. We were close enough that I could easily get a close head shot of this lioness; but I wanted a lower angle than shooting from the window. She was asleep with her eyes closed and I leaned out the window and lowered the camera as far as I could and shot of the rear screen.

I was hoping she would open her eyes, but the thought did occur to me; "If she opens her eyes, will she see me as 'in the vehicle' or 'out of the vehicle'? Rather foolishly I decided to find out.

I was fortunate on two accounts. One, she opened her eyes. Two, she classified me as 'in the vehicle'; hence I am here to share the story and picture!

Here's Lookin' At You.jpg
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Excellent shot! You did the right thing. I've heard horror stories of people that did get out and walk closer for a better look.
Thanks guys. Yes Kirk, I saw on two occasions where we were oh 50 feet or so away and completely ignored and someone at least 200 yards away got out of a vehicle. In both cases the animals reacted immediately. They didn't go bounding after them but they were clearly aware and on alert. Never took their eyes off them until they got back in.

Yeah, you absolutely want to stay in the vehicle!