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David Berry

🇦🇺 Australia 🦘
Greater Crested Tern : Moreton Bay, Queensland
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Greater Crested Tern : Thalasseus bergii
Excellent David! Not an easy shot.👍👍👍
Thanks, Ralph.

A panning shot at 1/2000: not what is usually recommended!

For once, I resisted the temptation to send the image out of Lightroom Classic to DxO PR4. Tidal flats are meant to be grainy! I think that the graininess of the out-of-focus background also excuses the absence of significant motion blur.

The little red 'here-be-focus' box displayed over the image when reviewed on the rear screen showed that eye-detect AF had done its magic, whilst f/10 was 'just right' for keeping the tern sharp from wingtip to wingtip.

… David