Histogram missing from Nikon Z8 after firmware 2.01 upgrade

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I just noticed today that since the Nikon Z8 firmware update to version 2.01, which I did a couple of days ago, that the histogram no longer shows up in my viewfinder.

Has anyone else had this problem? If so, does anyone know how to fix it?

Thanks for the help.
As an aside (sorry, it didn't seem worthwhile creating a while new thread for this), how do you add a basic histogram to image playback? I can only find the RGB option and I just want the one you see in the viewfinder.
As an aside (sorry, it didn't seem worthwhile creating a while new thread for this), how do you add a basic histogram to image playback? I can only find the RGB option and I just want the one you see in the viewfinder.
I don’t think that’s possible. On playback your options are for seeing a histogram are as shown.
You can only see EXIF info for this image if you are logged in.
You can only see EXIF info for this image if you are logged in.
I'm not sure I follow your first image shows that there is a basic histogram available in playback.
I assumed you meant as it’s seen overlaid on the image while shooting. If I was mistaken, then yes, the tonal histogram is in both images I posted.

For the first image, in Playback display options, place a check mark next to “Overview.” For the second, place a check mark next to “RGB histogram.”
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Discovered the solution by accident.

To turn the histogram back on in the viewfinder in the Nikon Z8 (if you are using firmware version 2.01), do this:

1) Go into the "Custom Settings Menu".
2) Scroll to item d9 ("View mode (Photo Lv).
3) Tap it (or click the "OK" button on the back of your camera).
4) On the next screen, tap "Show effects of settings".
5) On the next screen, tap "Always".

You should now see the histogram appear in the lower-right corner of your view finder.

I also discovered that now with version 2.01 of the firmware there have been two new items added to the "d Shooting/display" menu. So if you're looking through your original manual to find info on the settings in that section, the numbering will be off.
The two new items are:
• d5 is now "Exposure delay mode"
• d18 is now "Half-press to cancel zoom (MF)

I hope some of you find this information helpful.
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