Honey eater, Gold Coast

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The first honey eater we encountered
00510 12X8W D500 3694.jpg
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in OZ, at Sea World. I was running all over the place to get a picture and then he posed thus for us - a great welcome for visitors from Africa! Blue-faced Honey-eater, Entomyzon cyanotis ~ Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. D500; 80-400 @ 240 mm; f/8; 1/640; ISO 500
What an interesting looking bird! Thought he had landed on your veranda at home. Latin names as well, Impressive, I'm doing well if I recognise most British Bird species.
Was once on a Bird sanctuary in Lincolnshire and I managed to Photograph a Raptor in flight, hadn't got a clue what it was, Asked some other photographers, turned out
to be a Merlin, rare as Hens Teeth over here. Was delighted! Sorry cant help telling stories. LOL
@Callie This sight has become so popular, it's now 7 days later and only just discovered this beautiful picture. Thank goodness for the search engine to find things. BTW, don't know if they still use the term, but these birds where commonly known locally as "banana bird".

@Stevie n Keep on telling stories. Knowing the story from the photographer and other information passed on by members is great. Apart from knowing something about the subject, how and why it was taken, learning where these images are from inspires people to want to visit new destinations. I was supposed to go to South Africa 3 years ago, but health problems derailed that plan. All of Callie's (and others) beautiful pictures reinforce to me that I still need to go. :)
@Callie This sight has become so popular, it's now 7 days later and only just discovered this beautiful picture. Thank goodness for the search engine to find things. BTW, don't know if they still use the term, but these birds where commonly known locally as "banana bird".

Oztours is such a awkward handle for an Aussie mate. What is your name, then we can talk better? :DLove your OZ birds, seen 147 species so far and this honey eater is still my favourite HE. The youngster has a yellow/green face. We also have local names for some of our birds here. Keep planning to come to SA. I heard this morning OZ is now closed till 17 December. This means we are definitely NOT going over. :mad:
Peter, Oztours, call me anything you like but don't call me late for a beer. 🍻

There are close on 900 species of Oz birds. Birdlife Australia has a great website for anyone wanting more information and if you go to this link https://birdlife.org.au/conservation/science/taxonomy you can download an Excel spreadsheet with tons of information on them all.

Living in Melbourne we are in total lock-down. Allowed out for 1 hour a day exercise, walk the dog, go shopping for essentials and all within 5 klms...
Peter, Oztours, call me anything you like but don't call me late for a beer. 🍻

There are close on 900 species of Oz birds. Birdlife Australia has a great website for anyone wanting more information and if you go to this link https://birdlife.org.au/conservation/science/taxonomy you can download an Excel spreadsheet with tons of information on them all.

Living in Melbourne we are in total lock-down. Allowed out for 1 hour a day exercise, walk the dog, go shopping for essentials and all within 5 klms...
Great Peter, good to have a proper handle. I thought it was for breakfast, but beer is important down under! :D I have a great Oz bird field guide and I google each place I plan to visit. Goodnight for now!;) Sorry about the lock down we had it too. At least I can take the missus for a walk!
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