Hooded-Merganser with a satisfying meal.

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It took her a while but she finally got it down.
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Wow!! That is amazing! That may be the largest fish going down the gullet of the smallest duck I've seen. Would expect it of a Heron or Egret, but not a little Hoodie. Surprising to think a merganser's gizzard would be capable of crushing and grinding that to bits. Fantastic photo!
Wow!! That is amazing! That may be the largest fish going down the gullet of the smallest duck I've seen. Would expect it of a Heron or Egret, but not a little Hoodie. Surprising to think a merganser's gizzard would be capable of crushing and grinding that to bits. Fantastic photo!
Thanks Chuck. It is amazing. There was a male merganser with a larger fish. He was struggling with it for quite some time. But I couldn’t get a good shot. He kept swimming away. He keep playing with it but he couldn‘t get it down. Not sure if he ever did.