How about some advise on this edit/crop. Thanks

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In terms of the crop I'd probably try a crop that loses the snowbank across the bottom of the photo, I'm not sure it adds a lot of visual interest and it may act as a bit of barrier to visually entering the frame. Hard to say without doing that crop whether it would help or hurt but that's something I'd try. I like all the upper parts of the image and think they add interest to the scene and of course the waterfall is great.

In terms of image sizing for posting on the web, it would be best if you limit the vertical height to around 700 or 800 pixels tall. I couldn't even view this image on my laptop even after zooming the browser all the way out and had to zoom out quite a bit to take in the whole image without scrolling on my 27" photo editing monitor. It's hard to evaluate composition and things like cropping when the viewer has to scroll up and down to take in the image.

To me your area of emphasis is the path of the flowing water, so I would further crop the left and right sides to go vertical, losing the trees on the edges of the frame drawing my eye away from the flow of water. Same reason I'd heal away some of the bright dots of snow that look more like spots but draw the eye from the water.
To me your area of emphasis is the path of the flowing water, so I would further crop the left and right sides to go vertical, losing the trees on the edges of the frame drawing my eye away from the flow of water. Same reason I'd heal away some of the bright dots of snow that look more like spots but draw the eye from the water.
Yes it is about the water flow but to me I think the snow helps tell the story which is tranquility.
I like this crop a lot better. Maybe leave the horizontal log in and crop just below that to see how it looks. I could go either way, but I think cutting out some of the stuff at the bottom did a lot to make it a more interesting photo.
I wasn't sure and didn't like where that crop landed. If you crop in the log it just doesn't feel right and if you crop below it where do you stop on the rocks?
I wasn't sure and didn't like where that crop landed. If you crop in the log it just doesn't feel right and if you crop below it where do you stop on the rocks?
I tend to agree with you. Just holding my hand up in front of the screen, I think your second crop is it. Someone mentioned a ore vertical crop that may be worth playin with but I really like the second crop.
Yes it is about the water flow but to me I think the snow helps tell the story which is tranquility.

I agree about the snow, it's just the blobs and dots/spots that would simplify the scene if removed. Nice image either way!