How to assign Minimum Shutter speed in auto iso to a custom button or in i menu Nikon Z8?

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I hope someone can guide me how to do this (if possible).

When you go into the Photo Shooting menu > ISO sensitivity settings it pulls up a list of all the options including minimum shutter speed.
I can assign the iso value to a custom button and also whether or not auto iso is on or off.
What I can not do is assign the minimum shutter speed in auto iso to any custom button (or in the i menu).

If this is possible please advise.

I don’t believe that it is possible but also the minimum shutter speed only applies when shooting in Aperture Priority mode. If you shoot in Manual Exposure with Auto ISO that minimum shutter speed field is ignored.
Yes, auto ISO only works with manual (meaning you set the shutter speed and aperture yourself). So it's a moot point because you are already choosing the shutter speed. (I never understood how auto ISO works until someone here explained it to me and now I use it all the time for wildlife).
Yes, auto ISO only works with manual (meaning you set the shutter speed and aperture yourself).
That's not quite right. Auto ISO does work in Aperture or Shutter Priority shooting modes but then the algorithm is a bit more complex as the camera adjusts first the normal floating parameter and then ISO as well. I personally no longer run either Aperture or Shutter priority modes but those do actually work with Auto ISO just in a more complex way than Manual Exposure with Auto ISO.

The minimum shutter speed field in the ISO settings really applies when shooting in Aperture Priority mode (and perhaps Program mode though I've never used it) when shooting Auto ISO. Basically if the shutter speed has to drop below that minimum due to the aperture dialed in then the camera stops dropping shutter speed and starts bumping up ISO.

Auto ISO also works in Program mode but I suspect most photographers here aren't shooting in Program mode.

Here's a nice breakdown from Nikon on how Auto ISO works in different modes:

Nope, you can't. It's been a request to Nikon for over 2 years with the Z9 and probably likely earlier on DSLRs on any body that has Auto ISO. Auto ISO i believe work in any mode that the camera could control ISO