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Today the light cooperated, and the hummer made numerous visits to the feeder. When the light hits the bird just so, that beautiful gorget is set ablaze.

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Nice shots!

Excellent images, Rassie!

Jonathan, Karen, thank you.
I'm yearning for an African safari again, with the excitement of the large animals and the bird variety there. Here in southern Ontario we have to contend with the little birds now. Even the larger raptors, hawks and eagles have become few and far between during the last 3 years. Climate change? I don't know......

I have this thing - my shutter finger starts itching every few days, and going to my usual wetlands does not work anymore. So out of desperation I park myself in a lawn chair in the backyard and challenge myself to get images of the male hummer showing that beautiful ruby colour while not parked at the feeder. The images above were the best out of an hour's worth of shooting at a time on three different occasions. Oh, I got some neat images of our resident backyard chipmunk as well while it was foraging for seeds on the ground beneath the feeder. I'll post those next. :)
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I can relate. You certainly proved that you can create beautiful images closer to home! I just returned from a trip to BC for loons and other birds. Next year I want to try visiting eastern Canada.....much easier to get to! LOL!
I can relate. You certainly proved that you can create beautiful images closer to home! I just returned from a trip to BC for loons and other birds. Next year I want to try visiting eastern Canada.....much easier to get to! LOL!
Loons, oh yes!
I'm fortunate that we have loons that swing by the dock at our cottage every morning around sunrise in summer. I used to sleep too late when at the cottage so I never got any good shots. This year I decided to be at the dock before sunrise when we are at the cottage on weekends and vacation. One morning last summer a couple came by and they were VOCAL. That galvanized me to configure the Z8 for video as well. This summer I plan to shoot both photos as well as video. Light is generally difficult there so early, but I still hope for that awesome shot. :)