Hummingbird Moth

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Indrajeet Singh

All images only shot in the wild - No captives.
Nikon D500 + Nikon 300 f/4E PF
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Wow! This is a really good shot of a Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth (Hemaris fuciformis)! (y) Clear, sharp and a nice composition. I like it very much and I'm a little bit jealous, as so far, I haven't had the chance to even see one, not talking about taking a picture of one ;)
Wow! This is a really good shot of a Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth (Hemaris fuciformis)! (y) Clear, sharp and a nice composition. I like it very much and I'm a little bit jealous, as so far, I haven't had the chance to even see one, not talking about taking a picture of one ;)
Thanks Claudia. I'm sure you will, soon enough. Take care!