I heard today of Sandy Komito's passing

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For those of you who do not know who Sandi Komito was, he was portrayed in the movie "The Big Year", his character was played by Owen Wilson. Sandy held the North American birding record for many years, this was before all the birders had access to the internet and e-bird. He was one of the locals down here in South Florida and was loved by everyone who knew him. He would always have great stories to tell and he was a wealth of information and always helping new birders. This was a shot of Sandy and I taken a couple of years ago. Sandy is the one on the left.
Sandy Komito and Ira.jpeg
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Everyone like getting their photo taken with him. He was a real celebrity, but we knew him as a super guy!

Sandy Komito Attu, Alaska.png
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I'm not a birder. I'm a wildlife and birds in flight photographer. What would be a birding record? I know borders are about recording as many birds as they can see. I'm guessing a record would be who has seen the most species of birds but how is that actually tracked for accuracy?

I see many birders out at certain locations that are leading groups and record or regularly misidentify birds and record it. Who's also to say that people just put down birds they never saw?

I'm not saying this guy did this but how is it verified other than an honor system? Some of the birders I have seen are pretty fanatical about saying they've seen the most birds

Edit i guess the only way would be as a bird ID photographer and submission for proof maybe
I'm not a birder. I'm a wildlife and birds in flight photographer. What would be a birding record? I know borders are about recording as many birds as they can see. I'm guessing a record would be who has seen the most species of birds but how is that actually tracked for accuracy?

I see many birders out at certain locations that are leading groups and record or regularly misidentify birds and record it. Who's also to say that people just put down birds they never saw?

I'm not saying this guy did this but how is it verified other than an honor system? Some of the birders I have seen are pretty fanatical about saying they've seen the most birds

Edit i guess the only way would be as a bird ID photographer and submission for proof maybe
We are a forum that honors and supports wildlife and nature. The issue is not with statistics. It is about recognizing the death of a human who was part of the birding/wildlife environment for many years and instrumental in creating awareness in others.
For those of you who do not know who Sandi Komito was, he was portrayed in the movie "The Big Year", his character was played by Owen Wilson. Sandy held the North American birding record of many years, this was before all the birders had access to the internet and e-bird. He was one of the locals down here in South Florida and was loved by everyone who knew him. He would always have great stories to tell and he was a wealth of information and always helping new birders. This was a shot of Sandy and I taken a couple of years ago. Sandy is the one on the left.
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Everyone like getting their photo taken with him. He was a real celebrity, but we knew him as a super guy!

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Thanks for sharing Ira. Here is a quick synopsis of “The Big Year” and insight into his character. https://www.celeryfarm.net/2024/09/in-memory-of-sandy-komito-part-1.html
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