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I used to do only landscapes and flowers with a very occasional bird, but I stopped going to my favorite landscape spots in 2021 due to crime. Wondering what I was going to do with myself, I decided to take up bird photography, purchased a Z8 and a few lenses, and now I am loving photography again.

Steve Perry has been so helpful to me for camera setup and now I find myself getting some nice images. Here are some.


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I used to do only landscapes and flowers with a very occasional bird, but I stopped going to my favorite landscape spots in 2021 due to crime. Wondering what I was going to do with myself, I decided to take up bird photography, purchased a Z8 and a few lenses, and now I am loving photography again.

Steve Perry has been so helpful to me for camera setup and now I find myself getting some nice images. Here are some.
Beautiful set. Well doneđź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ť