I love you too, Bro ~ Rhino and Oxpecker

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Red-billed Oxpecker, Buphagus erythrorhynchus, Rooibekrenostervoël, Rotschnabel-Madenhacker, Pica-bois-de-bico-vermelho, Piqueboeuf à bec rouge, Roodsnavel-ossepikker
'pecker warmly embracing his rhino
D4; 600 F/4 + 1.4 TC: F/8; 1/1250; ISO 1250

D4 2015 09 06 8346.jpg
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Red-billed Oxpecker, Buphagus erythrorhynchus, Rooibekrenostervoël, Rotschnabel-Madenhacker, Pica-bois-de-bico-vermelho, Piqueboeuf à bec rouge, Roodsnavel-ossepikker
'pecker warmly embracing his rhino
D4; 600 F/4 + 1.4 TC: F/8; 1/1250; ISO 1250

View attachment 8158
Wonderful shot Callie, the Oxpecker could almost be sitting on a rock ledge on one of your kopjes, the cracks and texture of the Rhino skin seems so weathered.