I Shoot Landscape Once in a While

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Though my primary interest is wildlife, the creatures tend to hang out in interesting places. So I do shoot the occasional landscape as opportunities present themselves.

Derickson Bay, Prince William Sound, AK

2) Adak Island, AK

3) Angel's Landing Trail, Zion NP
A big 2nd to Karen’s comments, wow please keep those coming! Just excellent.
Thanks for commenting, Bill. Glad you enjoyed the photos.
Thanks for sharing Dan! (y) I'm fairly new to photography, but so far feel pretty much the same way. Always seem to pack a bit wider len(s) for just such occasions.
One good thing about the landscape is that it's always there whether the critters show up or not.
I think really good landscape photos take way more skill than most people think!
Roger that.
Nice shots. Still trying to figure out how the person in blue coat got into the third shot. Nice way to show scale.
That's my wife coming back down the trail from Angel's Landing. She went up by herself while I lay on a rock in the sun like a big lizard.