Identification Mug Shots?

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How do I install it in the "S" Logo and What size does it have to be? I bet everyone cant wait to see what the old gasbag look like LOL:unsure:
Click on your account name on the upper right of the screen, click on Account Details and click on the default avatar (the S) and you can upload a photo that should be around 500x500 pixels. Know it will be cropped into a circle so size your image accordingly. For instance I had to try a couple of times to get my Eagle icon to show up without clipped wing tips.

[edit] Looks like Capturing... beat me to it....
Click on your account name on the upper right of the screen, click on Account Details and click on the default avatar (the S) and you can upload a photo that should be around 500x500 pixels. Know it will be cropped into a circle so size your image accordingly. For instance I had to try a couple of times to get my Eagle icon to show up without clipped wing tips.

[edit] Looks like Capturing... beat me to it....
Yeah but yours is better.