If it’s all you got, is it the best you got?

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Sometimes when I go to my favorite bird shooting site ( concord, ma), the conditions are perfect but for some reason, nothing is flying. So BIF’s are not an option. So I’m stuck with” birds in trees”. Not that I’m complaining, its always good to be out in nature.
The trees are lush and green, so thick with leaves, you can hear the birds but you can’t see them. So, I take what I can get. In this case a Grey Catbird way up in a tree. Limited light, shooting straight up and through the branches and leaves. I consider this one of my ultimate challenges.
With all the rain we’re having, I’m wondering if anyone else is facing the “lush tree challenge “. I’m usually out shooting for about 2 hrs at 6am.
I’m posting the Catbird. Any comments, criticism, or recommendations are welcome.
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