I'm torn!

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Hello everyone! I'm from China and I love this site, I think the atmosphere here is great! I've been struggling lately, I want the A9III, but it's too expensive, even used it costs 35,000RMB (4,934$) and the pixels are too low! I'm considering the A1, but it's AF isn't very accurate! Especially for at BTF. i guess i should wait a bit more, like the A1II?
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I’m a Nikon shooter so no dog in this hunt…but I’ve never really seen many complaints about the A1 AF accuracy or adequacy for BIF. It and the Z8/9 are currently among if not the best wildlife bodies available today…although the newest Sony does get good reviews as well
The A1 AF may not be the state of the art anymore (A9iii and R1 are) but second best is still amazing. And accuracy is certainly not the issue. Subject recognition in busy environments is slightly better with canon, tracking is slightly better on the A9iii, but the A1 is not going to limit anybody’s ability to get great shots - I stopped checking but in my first few months with it I kept track of % of shots in focus - it was 100% on static subjects and better than 97% on BIF… hit rate starts dropping in really low light or in foggy conditions and in both cases the camera still “sees“ better than my naked eye.

in my view, a used A1 is the best acquisition for a wildlife shooter today. Take the sting off the crazy “new” price and get a high resolution workhorse for the price of a new R5mkii. The only things the A1 misses is pre-capture, and focus stacking if you do macro. The A1II will have better video, better ibis, better ergonomics but will also be $3k more than a used A1.

‘just like AF is not the reason to pick canon over nikon over Sony anymore - it’s certainly not the reason to walk away from the A1.
What are you shooting now? The A1 is a good choice and nothing is wrong with the autofocus. The Canon R5 mark ii or the lower cost original R5 are good choices. The Nikon Z8 is a good choice.

What is your budget in US dollars?
A1 AF for BIF is still top of the pyramid. Right up there with A9III. R5II is pretty close. Z9/Z8 just a bit behind.
No reason to worry about A1 AF. If you can get a good deal on a new or used A1 and don’t want to wait for an A1II which will be even more expensive than the A9III then go for it.

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A1 AF for BIF is still top of the pyramid. Right up there with A9III. R5II is pretty close. Z9/Z8 just a bit behind.
No reason to worry about A1 AF. If you can get a good deal on a new or used A1 and don’t want to wait for an A1II which will be even more expensive than the A9III then go for it.

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What are you shooting now? The A1 is a good choice and nothing is wrong with the autofocus. The Canon R5 mark ii or the lower cost original R5 are good choices. The Nikon Z8 is a good choice.